*Attn Core® People! Don't be tempted not to count this, vegetable juice is not a Core® food and neither is tomato juice nor vodka, but hey, it's only 1 point! Just count the point and enjoy!!!
POINTS® Value | 1 Servings | 2 Preparation Time | 10 min Cooking Time | 0 min Level of Difficulty | Easy
beverages | Spicy and chock-full of veggies, this is a very refreshing concoction. For special occasions, mix it with lemon-flavored vodka.
1 1/2 cup mixed-vegetable juice, spicy 1 medium cucumber(s), peeled, seeded and diced 2 small radishes, quartered 1/2 medium celery, sliced 1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce 1/8 lemon(s), cut in wedges
1. In a blender, combine vegetable juice, cucumber, radishes, celery and pepper sauce; puree. Serve over ice, garnished with lemon wedges.
**Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything.....but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!