I told Sherri that I had 2 workout sessions with Wil this week and had done something almost every day (except Sunday) exercising. She told me to keep it up. She said it may do this for a few weeks (not that I'll keep gaining, but I may not lose), but once it kicks in the weight will drop.
So....pray me through these next few weeks!!!!! This put me under a 20 lb loss now. I took it pretty well last night....but it is still discouraging. After making the 26 lb mark an to put almost 7 of it back on. David was shocked...that's 3 lb in 2 weeks!! It is suppose to be going the other way!!!!
Oh well, I'll just keep at it...includiing the exercise. Maybe this will be the week!
The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17
Don't get discouraged. They say that happens a lot when you exercise. I know how you feel though, when I was going to the gym I was at a stand still for a while.Unfortunately it is so expensive that I didn't get to enroll again. I admire you though that you do exercise, because I keep saying I am going to do it and somehow never get around to it. I really have to start to toning exercise's though or I will never be able to wear shorts this summer. Keep doing your exercise and before you know it , it will all catch up and fall into play. Stay positive, you can do it.
Honey, I know that your discouraged, but you're building lean muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat but your leader is right. After you build more muscle you'll start to see a loss because muscle burns fat! Keep it up, stay strictly to program, exercise and drink your water...then...don't sweat the scale! It WILL start to come off when your body is ready...don't worry and please don't give up.
I love you sister... and I'm praying for a loss for you next week!. Love, Coe
**Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything.....but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs!
Don't be too discouraged ... I know, I know ... easier said than done! I won' repeat what the others have already said, but just continue on your journey. Even without the weight loss, you're getting healthier -- and that's good! Who can't be healthier???
I've got a few ideas I've been tossing around for you, but they're not quite solidified yet ... I will PM you when they do!
Love you honey and am very proud of you for sticking with this life style (it's not a diet, remember? That's what you told me!)
I did my measurements again and nothing changed except my waist and it went up an inch!!!! I talked to Wil about it yesterday. He said I am apparently one of those people (he is too) that their abs get bigger when they do reg crunches. So when I do crunches now, I to do the ones that work the lower abs. He is also going to have to tweak my program. He is also going to do my body fat, etc. to see what is going on.
I must admit....I did use several weekly pts last night during the game. But it was so worth it. Being good the rest of the week. I know I don't normally use those...but sometimes...you just gotta!
The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17